Healthy lifestyle

Is gluten-free healthy for everyone?

Gluten, a storage protein in wheat, rye, and barley, triggers inflammation and intestinal damage in people with celiac disease. People with intestinal or extra-intestinal symptoms triggered by gluten but who do not meet formal criteria for celiac disease may have non-celiac gluten sensitivity, a clinical entity with an as yet uncharacterized biolog …

June 21, 20210 comments
Digestive Health

Simple tips to prevent excessive stomach gas!

Many people complain about problems that they attribute to excessive gas. For some, belching is the complaint. Others blame intestinal gas for abdominal discomforts and embarrassment. Belching Belching results from swallowing air. Everyone swallows a little bit of air with each mouthful of food, but people who eat too fast may swallow too much air. I …

April 3, 20210 comments
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