Obesity is a global epidemic with a rapidly increasing prevalence worldwide. As obese individuals experience significantly higher mortality when compared with the non-obese population, this phenomenon poses a significant socioeconomic burden, necessitating strategies to manage overweight and prevent obesity. Although numerous interventions such as lifestyle modification, including exercise and pharmacotherapy, have been shown effective for both the prevention and treatment of obesity, some of these methods were found to have a limitation that required substantial financial inputs and repeated time-consuming processes.
The Best Weight Loss Tips: Lose weight by changing how you are cooking and shopping
- Instead of frying in oil or fat, try baking those items instead. Baking does not require all the fat and oil that frying requires, and your food is not soaking in those substances while it cooks.
- Use non-stick frying pan spray, so you don’t use oil. Also, non-stick pans don’t require as much, if any, oil.
- Boil vegetables instead of cooking them. You can also steam them, as this is probably the healthiest way to eat foods like cabbages, cauliflower, broccoli, and
- Be leery of no-fat and low-fat food items. There are many of these food items on the market, but they are not exactly healthy. Many of these food items use some sort of chemical or carbohydrate to sweeten them to taste better. However, the body turns these chemicals and carbohydrates into sugar in the body, which means they are still getting turned into fat.
- Pour on the cinnamon. A recent study found that consuming just 1-6 grams of cinnamon powder a day for 40 days reduced fasting blood glucose levels by as much as 29%, increased good cholesterol, and decreased bad cholesterol.
- Chew your food at least 12-15 times. This slows down the rate that you scarf down your meal (allowing your brain to catch up and tell you that your stomach is actually full, so you can eat less), but it also helps improve your digestion.
- Order the salad. When dining out, always opt for a salad before your meal. Your body starts registering that you’re eating and that you’ll be full “soon,” so it releases chemicals to allow you to stop eating sooner.
- When ordering at a restaurant, ask the waiter to put half of your meal into a to-go container BEFORE serving it to you. Most people will stuff themselves as they mindlessly eat at a plate full of very large portion sizes at most restaurants, so this trick allows you to be proactive in managing your calorie intake.
- Don’t fall victim to crash diets. These are bad for you and do more harm than good in the long run. The short-term results are typical that you will lose a few pounds, but once you give them up, then everything comes back, and your weight is worse the second time around.
- When you are cooking with oil, use a good Extra Virgin Olive Oil. It is more expensive than vegetable oil, but the health benefits are much better, and it is worth the cost. Olive oil has been associated with a reduced risk of coronary heart disease and helps to increase the elasticity of the arterial walls, which reduces the chance of heart attack and stroke.
- Don’t shop hungry. When you hit the grocery store hungry, all sorts of things can end up in your shopping cart that shouldn’t be there as temptation slowly picks away at your willpower aisle by aisle.
- The “dyslexic trick.” When you’re grocery shopping for yourself and your family, read the ingredients of what you are eating. If you can’t pronounce it, don’t eat it. Processed foods usually have chemical additives that can be mildly addictive, as well as other additives that cause us to have cravings and elevate blood sugar, both of which cause weight gain.